peace of mind childcare options

Zion School-Age Care (SAC) and Summer Day Camp (SDC) are Christ-centered Child and Youth Development Programs that offer safe environments for children's growth, nurture and development of life skills. Zion SAC and SDC staff members facilitate the positive growth and develop of children and youth through healthy interactions and intentional activities of choice. Devotions, art, science, computers, dance, cooking, recreational experiences, field trips, study groups, service projects and interaction with peers and qualified staff members contribute to a healthy community at Zion School-Age Care and Summer Day Camp.

SAC is a convenient and affordable options for working and committed Zion families looking for childcare before and after school. SAC is available from 6:30AM until 8:00AM and from 3:15PM until 6:00PM. 

SDC is offered during the Summer break and provides a fun-filled schedule for students ranging from Kindergarten to Eighth grade starting at 6:30AM until 6:00PM. See information below for Summer 2019.

Note: SAC and SDC are closed during most major holidays. 

School-age care (sac) FAQs

How do families get billed for SAC?

SAC is billed based on your child's attendance in 15 minute increments. Zion families will be billed monthly in their FACTs account.

What is the cost of SAC?

For more information on Tuition and Fees, please visit the Tuition & Fees section of the Admissions Page.

What happens to my child if I am late from picking them up?

Zion students who are not picked up from school within the 15 minute window after school ends will be sent directly to SAC.

Will the SAC staff assist with my child's homework?

SAC staff members are qualified individuals who are able to assist with general homework assignments as needed.

What are the security measures in place to keep my child safe?

The SAC facility is fully enclosed with only one main entrance. Students must be signed out by family/relatives that are listed on the Student's Emergency Contact Card that was provided during admission.

Is SAC open to the public?

No, SAC is only available to current Zion families with students in Kindergarten to Eighth grade.

Do I have to register my child to attend SAC?

No, Zion families will have the benefit of SAC and will be billed based on their child's attendance.

summer day camp (sdc) FAQs

How do I sign up for Summer Day Camp for my child?

Download information below

Is Summer Day Camp available to the public?

SDC offers priority space for families who are members of Zion Lutheran Church, current Zion Lutheran School students and students who are enrolled the upcoming school term. Applications for off-campus or non-member Zion families are also welcome but are limited based on capacity and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

What are some of the activities of SDC?

Activities include daily devotions, creative crafts, cooking, reading, sports, science and technological activities.

Will their be field trips during SDC?

SDC offers optional field trips for an additional cost.

What are the cost of SDC?

Cost for the 2019 SDC session will be available as we approach closer to the end of the school year. Please stay tuned! You can also Contact Us for more information.