Lutheran Women in Mission

  • LWML & Zion thrift store fashion show


    Join us for a fun afternoon as members of our Zion Community model outfits from Zion’s Thrift Store!

    Items from the Thrift Store will be on display and available to purchase.Bring a Friend!Enjoy dessert, fellowship, and learn about the Zion Thrift Store Ministry.

    And later, be sure to visit:Zion Thrift Store

    1425 E Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92805

    (714) 772-200, Hours: Tues - Sat from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Click to RSVP

  • Monthly Meetings

    All women of Zion – and your friends! - are welcomed and encouraged to join Zion’s Lutheran Women in Mission monthly gatherings.  We typically meet on the second Sunday of the month at 11:30 in the Zion room starting with a light refreshment followed by a speaker related to a mission, along with a collection opportunity to support a need.  


    May 18th

  • Secret Sister

    Attn: All Zion Ladies – Share the gift of prayer by being a Secret Prayer Sister!!  


    Bless a Sister in Christ by praying for her throughout the coming year. We ask that you send cards periodically to let her know you are thinking of her.  You will be paired with a Sister to keep in prayer and someone who will pray for you! On May 18, 2025 you'll be invited to a Prayer Sisters "Reveal" at the LWML potluck meeting. Consider a small gift for your Prayer Sister at that time. 

    Sign-up sheets are on the back table of the church or email with your name, address, birthday, anniversary date, and any prayer request(s).

    Please return by Sunday, Oct. 6th. Any questions, contact

    Jessica Wilburn 714-323-2902 or Donna Heinecke 714-722-3251

  • mite box

    Mite Boxes – what are they and why?

    From Scripture we read; Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you; this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on" (Mark 12:41-43 NIV).

    For many years, LWML women have gathered coins and dollars (“mites”) in small containers called Mite Boxes accompanied by a prayer that God would use the funds to spread His Word. The Mite Box has changed in looks over the years, but the purpose has remained the same: to share the Gospel. 

    We invite you and your family to keep a mite box in your home where you can collect change (and dollars or checks!) to donate toward Lutheran Women in Mission worldwide mission projects.  Bring your mites to a monthly LWML meeting, to the large mite box in the back of the church or to the church/school office, or use the QR code to donate on-line (select Anaheim: Zion Evangelical 14)

    If you’d like to know more about LWML or the mission projects supported by Mites, please contact Donna Heinecke at 714-722-3251 or

  • Special gathering Dates

    •          April 13th - Zone Spring Celebration More details coming soon